Our most basic needs
are deeply interconnected.

Food, energy, water, and natural systems are fundamental to our lives, and their security is connected to ours in ways we are still discovering.


Expanding Horizons

FEWscapes is a project led by scientists and educators to advance knowledge and support decision-making for food, energy, water, and ecosystem security in a region that is a major provider of these basic needs nationally and globally: the Upper Mississippi River Basin.

OUR research approach

Research for the future we want.

We live in an ever-changing world. FEWscapes aims to increase confidence that the choices we make in farming, land use, energy production, and water management will lead to secure and resilient ecosystems and communities.



Exploring the consequences of change

Through modeling, we are simulating changes related to climate, land management, and global economics to discover their potential outcomes and our options for improving FEW security and sustaining biodiversity.

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Assessing desirable policy choices

We are assessing stakeholders’ beliefs and preferences on policy options for FEW security to identify socially feasible pathways forward.

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Bridging science and decision-making

We are working and learning with regional stakeholders to build trust and bridge research with decision-making for desirable outcomes.

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